Why brothel owner gets 26 years in jail

Source : Htun Aung Gyaw, via Burmanet

The Brothel owner Tin Nwe is one of the victims of the corrupt society inBurma. If his jail terms are fair enough, we need to consider the other gangs who are as guilty as charged as poor Tin Ngwe. Many Burmese, Karen,Shan, Tavoyans women, are forced to work as prostitutes in Thai-Burma border towns because of forced relocation, forced labor, and the lack of law inside Burma. These women are the victims under SLORC/SPDC rule.

If Tin Ngwe is guilty, SLORC/SPDC is the most responsible for poor Burmese women in foreign countries who have no chance to find a secure and healthy life. Who is responsible for the Burmese prostitutes in foreign countries and inside Burma? The answer is SLORC/SPDC regime. It is the most responsible on this matter. Who own most of the nightclubs in Rangoon and border towns? SPDC and its relatives own it. What is the outcome of the nightclubs? Nightclubs encourage young women to become prostitutes.

Under military rule the country economy declined sharply because of their mismanagement and corruption. Young women could not find jobs for their survival and the only job available for them is prostitution. Opening the nightclubs and attracting the tourists encourage the new business called "prostitution".

The Burmese generals have limited knowledge about other countries because they are also the victims of BSPP rule. Burmese people, including the recent generals (in the past they were regional commanders or deputies not promoted as generals) are locked in the so- called socialist state country.

They have no experience with other countries not even neighboring countries. A chance to go to visit foreign countries such as Thailand,Singapore, or Malaysia was like a winning a lotto for every body inside Burma because when they come back they have chances to buy used cars, televisions, videos and etc, etc. Those items are very expensive in Burma and when they resold the items they bought from abroad, they collected the big amount of money that they could not save from their own salary for more than ten years.

When SLORC/SPDC emerged, the generals are free to observe the outside world (mostly neighboring countries including Thailand, China and Singapore). They looked at the Thai model for economic development and Indonesian model for controlling the political power. Thailand tourist industry has tremendous success and gains billions of dollars every year.

The generals think that it is a promising business so they decided to promote tourism by building hotels and motels in Burma. But tourism in Thailand is deeply connected with nightclubs and prostitution. The generals know the situation and outcome but because of their desire of wealth they do not look at prostitution as a threat for Burmese communities. Even though, prostitution is illegal in Burma, it has survived and is growing year by year under SLORC/SPDC rule.

Who is to blame? Who is guilty? Who is the most responsible for this issue?

Owning a fax machine is still a crime in Burma. When people in other countries enjoy with fax/phone and Internet, the Burmese have been blindfolded by their so-called nationalist military generals because they are afraid that people will find out the truth through internet. Any comment and discussion on this matter is welcome.


Htun Aung Gyaw